For more information about our support services please contact us
Support Services
Online E-mail support service
Do you believe yourself or someone else you care for is going through a spiritual crisis? We have a team of trained volunteers who provide e-mail support and advice for those experiencing or going through a spiritual crisis or spiritual emergency.
Please contact us and describe what is happening for you or for someone you are supporting.
You can be sure that you will be met by non judgemental volunteers on the receiving end of your email.
Peer support groups
The Spiritual Crisis Network operates a number of local peer-led support groups for individuals who have experienced a spiritual crisis in order to explore experience and receive help, with integrating and understanding their experiences within these small shared peer groups. The groups are held in a safe, non judgemental space, where you can slowly discover the meaning from your own experience. It is also a great way to meet others who have experienced something similar.
We currently have established peer-led support groups in;
Bristol, Somerset, & Glastonbury - Face-to-face at 10:30 am on the 1st Saturday of each month.
London - Face-to-face at 7pm on the 2nd Friday of each month.
Sheffield - Online at 2pm on the 4th Saturday each month.
Anywhere Group - Online 7:45pm on the 2nd Sunday of each month.
Family & Carers Group - Online at 4:30pm on a Tuesday each month.
Please note, all times above are in BST/GMT. Please check local time zones for your country if not in the UK. Please contact us for further details about these groups.
Community Forum
SCN is in the process of changing its forum platform.
Please check back soon once our new forum is up and running.
Please join, discuss your experiences and support others. Discussions may vary from any topics under the realm of ‘anomalous experiences’, ‘religious experiences’, ‘out of the ordinary experiences, (ODEs)’, ‘spiritual experiences’, ‘unusual experiences’ etc. Topics around mental health and wellbeing are also welcome. All with respect and discretion, creating this safe space together.
Family and carers
For partners, spouses, family, carers and friends:
Family bonds and relationships are complicated and complex. When a crisis colours these familial connections, an array of challenges immediately come to the fore. If you are related to someone currently experiencing a mental health transition/spiritual crisis and feeling overwhelmed, you may be interested to know that SCN, has an online support group.
Adult relatives caring for children who are undergoing a spiritual crisis and seeking support for themselves are very welcome to join our ‘Family and Carer’ online support meetings. Due to Children's' Safeguarding legislation, however, we are unable to permit children or young people under the age of 18 to attend. Contact us for information about caring for a minor experiencing a spiritual crisis.
You are very welcome to join us!
This online group meets fortnightly.
Grounding Group
We offer an online Grounding Group. This group meets on Zoom every third Monday of the month at 7:30 pm GMT. Our goal is to offer a place to connect, and share ideas and tips on grounding, centering and self-care. Additionally we provide a mindful exercise based on those themes. If you are interested in attending, please contact us and share a bit of information about your intentions in wishing to join the group.